9 Reasons why to choose DotRadio for your domain name
9 Reasons to choose dotradio domain name for your website
#1 Be unique and memorable
Nowadays there are tons of websites: every day, over 500,000 websites are created. Thus, it could be very difficult to stand out and be memorable.
Most people will go for a dotCom domain name, calling their website www.Yoursite.com which can make sense because that is what everybody knows.
However, by going through the classic dotCom domain name, you will just be thrown onto the Internet with an unnoticeable name.
Think about it this way: over 500 000 websites are created per day. How many will choose dotCom?
We both know the answer, and it is understandable: we choose what we think is working and we choose with the options we have.
Now there is one option that you may not know about. Instead of dotCom, you could choose dotNet, dorOrg, dotCountry (like .fr, .us, .ca), dotTV. But if you are in radio, what represents you the best in this case? Would it be dotCom?
Now another option is available: dotRadio.
Look at it this way: www.YourSite.com vs www.Yoursite.radio. With our domain name, you will be unique and more than that, you will be memorable. We just read your domain name and we know what you are!
#2 Only for you
#3 Cybersquatting protection
At dotRadio, we want to help the radio community. That is why every time someone requests a dotRadio domain name, we make sure it ends up in the right hands.
It is easy to say that we keep the domain for our community, but we do it MANUALLY. Every time someone requests a domain, one person on our team makes sure the purpose of the website is radio related.
Yes, it takes time, but we’d rather have a real radio website on the web than people squatting our amazing domain name.
As a result, nobody can cyber-squat your domain name since we control regularly the use of existing dotRadio domains. If we detect an issue for a domain as regards its compliance with our registration policy, or if someone tells us about such an issue, then we check with the registrant and apply the appropriate measures. We don’t keep domains which are not “clean” in the dotRadio space!
This makes the domain dotRadio unique and 100% safe.
#4 No bidding
Again, as radio-lovers ourselves, we want to help the radio world. We protect our domain name to be under a no-bidding strategy.
Maybe you remember the beginning of the Internet when people were buying dotCom domain names to be able to resell them far more expensive to the official party.
For example, anybody could buy Nike.com, so this way, when the company wanted to buy the domain name for themself, they had to buy it from the previous buyer, who could sell it for a crazy amount of money.
DotRadio is a recent domain name option (2017), so it is possible that people can try to bid on our domain name, buying a big radio domain name or famous radio website. We don’t let that happen. We make sure the buyer is who he says he is.
As a result, nobody gets ripped off by a bidding strategy. And if ever you want your domain name to become dotRadio, you will pay the price that everybody pays. Which we think it’s fair: nobody should pay more than what it’s really worth.
#5 Fairly priced (on register.radio)
Let’s be honest and talk about what is important to know: the price.
The price for the domain name is different if it is intended for commercial radio, a radio show, a company or if you register a domain as an individual (radio professional or radio amateur) or for a community radio.
We sell our domain name 220 Euros for professionals and 25 Euros for community radios and individuals.
You might think that the dotRadio domain names are more expensive than other domain names, but the advantages you will get out of it are way greater.
You should also consider the fact that its “market” is not so wide as for dotCom and other well-known domains.
And finally, to be able to do everything we do to help the radio community, in a sustainable way, we think the price is fairly established.
#6 Free Profile page
On top of getting your domain name, you will also have a profile page that you can personalize easily.
This way, if you don’t have a website yet or if you need another arrow to your bow, you can use the profile page.
The profile page allows you to have a profile picture, a biography and links to your different platforms: social networks, e-mail, stream, broadcast, etc.
Today we have about 100 themes that you can apply to your profile page to make it your own; we are constantly adding new themes so you can change at any time.
The profile page is a great option for small radio, radio amateurs or radio community stations to start quickly with something that you can set up in a few clicks.
#7 Redirections
If you register through register.radio, you will also be able to redirect your pages.
This way, if you want to redirect your website www.YourSite.com to www.YourSite.radio, it won’t be a problem.
If you are still concerned to have www.YourSite.radio displayed on your front end, you can do the opposite and redirect it toward your dotCom website.
It is a great feature that will allow you to keep both domain names and make sure you get the most visitors possible.
Finally, you can also redirect toward your social media, which can be an interesting option.
For instance, facebook.yourstation.radio could bring visitors to your Facebook page!
Learn why redirection is important for your website on our blog post about it.
#8 Boost your SEO
When you choose a domain name matching your activity in radio, if you choose dotRadio over another classic domain name, your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) will be greatly improved.
SEO is how easy we can find you on Google and other Internet browsers.
Using a dotRadio domain name will help people find you, and you will land on the first page of the result list easily, just because of your domain name.
Here is a quick example: If you type “Globule radio” in Google, the websites that will be shown are all the websites about “globule” / “Globule radio” and “radio” related. Usually, all those websites are using generic domain extensions such as dotCom. So there is a good chance that you find websites you don’t want before your own website. You may even not see your website in the first pages of the results.
However, if you type the same thing, but your domain name is Globule.radio, then your website will rank 1st on the 1st page because your domain name is the exact match of your search.
This is why a specific domain name improves your SEO performance.
#9 URL link shortner
Registering through register.radio gives you a third bonus feature which will allow you to shorten your URL with a specific shortener.
These are our shortening options:
- On.radio
- Today.on.radio
- Tonight.on.radio
- Live.on.radio
All the options can be customized.
With those four options, you can have a long URL reduced to a short one.
Quick example: instead of having this link: https://www.my.radio/show/22Sept2020/a-show
You could have instead: today.on.radio/yourShow
This tool is a great asset to promote your shows or events around your website and will help you to be unique and memorable.
If you belong to the radio world and still hesitate about which domain to choose, or if you think about changing, now you know why choosing dotRadio is the obvious choice.
If you are still not convinced, you can visit www.discover.radio to get more information about the domain.
Finally, if you want to join us, you can visit any dotRadio accredited domain registrar or www.register.radio and you will be able to obtain a unique and memorable web address.
If you would like to know how to do to register a domain name with us, follow this guide that we wrote for you.
The DotRadio Team
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