Create your unique .radio Profile Page
Because we think that it is important that you can start using immediately your domain, we offer for free the hosting of a .radio profile page for your dotRadio domain.
You will be able to choose among a lot of themes, input some details, upload a logo or a picture of you, optionally provide some links (Facebook, LinkedIn, Soundcloud,…) and voilà!
Awesome Themes to choose from
A lot of themes are available to match your mood or your identity.
Change of theme by a simple click.
We will add even more themes regularly.

Easy redirection to social media pages or other web sites
You can decide to include a link to a stream (your web radio live for instance).
You can also decide to show an email to ease contacts.
A Great experience in both Mobile and Desktop

SSL Certificate to protect your website
The profile page you may use will be secured using a SSL certificate (https://).
This way, your visitors checking out your profile page will feel safe to look at it.
Hence, all our pages and redirections are associated to a SSL certificate and you have nothing to do to enable it!
The last thing you need to do to get it is to register your .radio domain name!