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Discover how Larry uses his DotRadio Domain!

Jul 27, 2023Interview

At Dotradio we provide a domain name made for radio and exclusively for radio related websites. If you are not sure about it and would like to know if the domain is actually useful, we can tell you today that we have almost 3000 users of the domain worldwide and all of them are quite happy.

We love to help and give as much help as we can to the radio world, providing tips through this blog post, tools through our register page on and so much more.

Our goal is to help all the radio fans in the world to have better assets and make it easier for them to be on the internet.

Today we will share with you the feedback of one of our users: Larry.

Larry has been using .radio for a while and agreed to talk a little bit about it to help you with his feedback.

We hope this is going to be valuable for you and decide you join our community of radios!


larry's radio home page

DotRadio: Could you introduce yourself and what is your website about?  

Larry: Hi, I am Larry, I am into Amateur radio and CB radio as well as Em Comms radio networks and heavily into social media with a focus on Facebook and Twitter multi-channels. My website,, has links to many radios and also toward these social media channels. 

My website is a lot about amateur radio obviously. 

DotRadio: How many visits do you have on average per week/month?  

Larry: The visits to my website vary with a constant flow of first-time and repeat visitors/members. I would say I have between 100 and 1k visits per week. 

larry's radio image

DotRadio: How did you hear about dotRadio and where did you purchase your domain?  

Larry: I found DotRadio when I happened upon one of their tweets. My primary ISP is GoDaddy where I purchased my domain name. 

DotRadio: In what way do you think DotRadio is a better fit than another domain name?  

Larry: DotRadio domains are still new to folks, but they are a much better match for a website which primarily features radio-related site content. 

DotRadio: How would you describe the process of getting a .radio domain?  

Larry: The search and cart process is quite easy actually, aside from one error on my part once. So the process is quite easy and very user friendly. 

DotRadio: What would you say to other radio stations or HAM websites about .radio?  

Larry: I would say to other radio operators – “Your next step to elevate your station’s marketing and branding.” so you should choose a domain name that matches what you do, because if you do like everybody you don’t do anything different.  

DotRadio: Tell us why you chose .radio and what you like about it?  

Larry:: I like the possibilities a .radio domain offers now and in the near future. The cool thing is that you also provide a lot of tools and help for your user and that’s super valuable for me and my radio website.  

DotRadio: What do you think we should do so that “radio” people use .radio as a main domain instead of .com (or another generic domain)?  

Larry: I think it targets a specific sector giving a more related URL that is sticky and easy for mental recall. So, you should explain even more the advantages to have a .radio domain instead of a regular one. 

larry's radio talk show

Meet Larry proud owner of his amateur radio

DotRadio: What could dotRadio improve?  

Larry: The fact that you can have a profile page for free when registering through is awesome, but the background selection could be improved with better template background image selection that relates to Ham and CB radio stations/operators.

There are already a lot but if you could add some more specific, that would be great. 

DotRadio: Have you heard about  

Larry: Yes, I found it through a Google search for DotRadio services. It’s a very good idea to have launched this website, I hope people from all over the world will reach out to you in order to make a “HQ” for all the info that HAM radios need! 

DotRadio: What are the things that you need help for?  

Larry: When I first registered, I found the platform more suitable for novice site builders or holding spaces or eCard use. So, I would need a little bit of help to go further. 

DotRadio: Thank you very much for all your answers, we are happy you are using our domain. We hope to see you soon on our Facebook page or on HAM.Radio! 

Larry: Thank you for your help and follow up with me, I am happy to use .radio for my callsign. Hopefully we will have more radios in the future to use it!

larry's radio on a monitor

Get your own domain name for your amateur or professional radio as well on and discover all the tools and everything that goes for free with it!

We can’t wait to help you with your domain name, your website and more! And obviously welcome you into the .radio family.

The DotRadio Team

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